all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 2AB 1 1 51.919456 -0.692706
LU7 2AD 7 0 51.914063 -0.676811
LU7 2AE 4 2 51.907083 -0.674182
LU7 2PA 3 2 51.908719 -0.675704
LU7 2AF 1 1 51.908592 -0.674021
LU7 2EP 1 1 51.908011 -0.656913
LU7 2FF 7 0 51.916077 -0.672841
LU7 2FG 13 0 51.91388 -0.682967
LU7 2JU 12 0 51.915156 -0.676445
LU7 2LD 42 0 51.910283 -0.677271
LU7 2LE 58 0 51.910334 -0.677837
LU7 2LL 10 0 51.914683 -0.67438
LU7 2LN 26 0 51.914504 -0.683254
LU7 2LP 6 0 51.915138 -0.674061
LU7 2LR 55 1 51.916096 -0.673572
LU7 2LS 46 7 51.916525 -0.673424
LU7 2LT 33 0 51.910195 -0.673494
LU7 2LU 5 0 51.916845 -0.674767
LU7 2LW 26 0 51.915058 -0.673322
LU7 2LX 39 0 51.916684 -0.673172